Welcome to Woodsdale Elementary School!!!

Welcome to the new 2024-2025 school year. Here are the daily routines and expectations

that will help to support your child with a seamless transition back to school.

Please contact the Woodsdale Main Office at (781) 982-2180 if you have any questions.

Cheers to a successful school year!

Jennifer Barresi, Principal - jenniferbarresi@abingtonps.org

Christine Caliendo, Administrative Assistant - christinecaliendo@abingtonps.org

Family Pick-Up Arrival and Dismissal

During morning arrival, buses and cars are entering and exiting the parking lot at the same

time. It is very important that families use the following expectations to ensure our children

are safe to start the school day.

• Families are expected to enter the parking lot furthest over to the right, staying

within the car lane marked with cones. When the traffic pattern is heavy, please pull

up to the telephone pole marked with red stripes. Students will exit the passenger

side and enter the building through the main entrance.

• Doors open at 8:20AM and students are expected to be in class to start their day by


• Dismissal takes place at 2:45PM. Thank you for parking your car in the parking lot,

exiting your vehicle and meeting your child at the front entrance of the school.

Teachers will walk the students out to you at the end of the day.

Bus Arrival and Dismissal

• Please expect that during the first few days and weeks of school, the bus schedule

may be late as the drivers are getting acclimated to their new routes.

• If the buses are running late, you will receive a notification from the school.

• Families, thank you for reviewing the following safety expectations on the bus:

·       Students are to always remain in their seats.

·       Students need to have a safe body, keeping their hands to themselves, and use a

·       conversational voice when speaking with their peers.

·       All food, beverages, and devices need to always remain in their back packs.

It is very important for you to emphasize that riding the bus is the same as riding in a car.

How your child behaves in the car is the same behavior expected on the bus.

Tardy and Early Dismissals

• Students are tardy at 8:45AM. Families are expected to escort their children into the

main office to acknowledge the late start to the day.

• Advance notice is necessary for all early dismissals. The earlier you can notify the

office of a change in dismissal, the more responsive we can be to accommodate you.

Breakfast, Lunch, and Recess

• The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that universal free school

meals will continue this year. Families, please take advantage of this opportunity,

which includes free breakfast and lunch.

• Front entrance doors open at 8:10AM for breakfast only. Breakfast will be available

in the cafeteria and students can help themselves to a delicious start to the day.

Students are expected to remain in the cafeteria until 8:20AM. At that time, they

may proceed to their classrooms.

• The grade 3 lunch and recess block take place from 11:00 -11:45AM: likewise, the

grade 4 lunch and recess block take place from 12:00 -12:45PM. *Note: For safety

reasons, the lunch and recess blocks at Woodsdale are split in half – half of the

students go out to recess while the other half are having lunch, and then they switch.

This routine allows more adults to support our students.

• Students can order either hot or cold lunch options from the lunch menu. Menus

switch on the 1st of each month and are posted on the Abington Public Schools

website: www.abingonps.org. Click the Food Service tab and use the scroll down to

locate Woodsdale’s menu.

School Supplies

• Please try to provide your child with a backpack, lunchbox, and water bottle. These

items need to be labeled with your child’s name.

• Teachers will be reaching out to introduce themselves and may request additional
