

Guidance Department

The AHS Guidance Department supports all students in the development of a positive assessment of self.  We assist with the academic and personal transition from middle to high school and promote a realistic plan of action for future college and career readiness.


Ms. Anne-Marie L. Padilla - Guidance Administrative Assistant: Email Anne-Marie L. Padilla

Ms. Christina Park - Director G-M: Email Christina Park

Ms. Sarah McGinness - Counselor A-F:  Email Sarah McGinness

Ms. Jessica Coscia - Counselor N-Z: Email Jessica Coscia

Ms. Rebecca Selenow - Adjustment Counselor: Email Rebecca Selenow

Ms. Kathleen Posk - School Psychologist: Email Kathleen Posk

Guidance phone: 781.982.2165

Guidance FAX: 781.982.2166

College/Military Visit Policy

The student/family visit to a college campus is an important part of the post-secondary planning process.  Students are encouraged to schedule college interviews and campus tours to help them make more informed choices. Often these visits cannot be scheduled around the high school calendar.

Juniors and seniors will be allowed five (5) total college or military visit days over two years. The days must be used by May 1 of one's senior year. Visits include tours, information sessions, open houses, interviews, placements exams and military visits.

Seniors, if you used two (2) days last year as a junior, you could use 3 days this year as a senior.

In order for one's visit to be an excused absence, · upon return to school the student must bring in a note (not a brochure) from the school visited to the main office. 

Guidance Newsletters:

September 2024